Dom from gears of war
Dom from gears of war

Baird picked them up in Centaur II-W0801, and after Marcus attached their Junker to the Centaur they drove out of the valley. As they left, Dom swore to himself that this was the last stupid thing he would ever do, and would finish his schooling and get himself a good job to support his family. Developed by Epic Games and available only on Xbox 360, Gears of War 3 plunges players into a harrowing tale of hope, survival, and brotherhood that will conclude the current story arc for Gears of War. Marcus reminded him that they technically hadn't yet, and they joined in with the rest of C Company in opening fire on the Indies while their commander tried to get the Indies to surrender. To Dom's surprise Maria was not what she used to be. Six months after the Lightmass Offensive, the Siege of Jacinto is tightening. Dom and Cole glared at him in anger for a few moments, and Dom followed his order and began covering Marcus with Cole while Baird developed a plan. Date of death After being forced to euthanize his wife during Operation: Hollow Storm, Dom became more withdrawn from his squadmates, but continued to fight hard alongside them during the Stranded Insurgency and Lambent Pandemic. Not finding her at the Hospital, Dom felt he had lost her again. Jace asked Marcus if they could take Lily with them and search for her mother, and Jonboy agreed, pointing out that the town was called "Fucked" for a reason. Marcus wondered where it had come from and why it had full power, and realized that it must be a Locust ambush and yelled for the others to take cover. The entrance to the factory is blocked, and the team must once again split into their two teams. Jace told them he could fly the Raven, but that he had never landed one before. The horrors that she went through caused her to become disfigured. Awarded the Embry Star for his actions at Operation LevelerBrother of Carlos SantiagoExperienced CommandoFather of Benedicto and Sylvia SantiagoFourth-Generation GearHero of TimgadWidower of Maria Santiago As he fired, Dom contacted Marcus told learned that he and Barrick were also being attacked by Wretches. Gears of War: Dom Could Have Been Female. She later told him about the death of Carlos and he showed her the pictures of his children.

Dom from gears of war